WordPress database error: [Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB']
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wp_amz_amazon_cache` ( `ID` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cache_name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `cache_type` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, `country` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `response` LONGTEXT NOT NULL, `response_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `provider` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'amazon', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE INDEX `cache_name_cache_type` (`cache_name`, `cache_type`), INDEX `cache_type` (`cache_type`), INDEX `response_date` (`response_date`), INDEX `provider` (`provider`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci

WordPress database error: [Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB']
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wp_amz_import_stats` ( `id` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `post_id` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `post_title` TEXT NOT NULL, `asin` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `provider` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'amazon', `country` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `from_op` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL COMMENT '[insane|direct|auto|search]#[some code]', `from_op_p1` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, `from_op_p2` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `imported_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `import_status_msg` TEXT NOT NULL, `duration_spin` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `duration_attributes` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `duration_vars` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `duration_nb_vars` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `duration_img` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `duration_nb_img` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `duration_img_dw` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `duration_nb_img_dw` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `duration_product` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'duration_spin, duration_attributes, duration_vars, duration_img, other product import operations, but does not contain duration_img_dw', `db_calc` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX `post_id` (`post_id`), INDEX `asin` (`asin`), INDEX `provider` (`provider`), INDEX `country` (`country`), INDEX `from_op_p1` (`from_op_p1`), INDEX `from_op_p2` (`from_op_p2`), INDEX `from_op` (`from_op`), INDEX `duration_product` (`duration_product`), INDEX `duration_img_dw` (`duration_img_dw`), INDEX `duration_nb_img_dw` (`duration_nb_img_dw`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci

WordPress database error: [Table 'restored_V3y1vsTQ.wp_wfls_settings' doesn't exist]
SELECT `name`, `value`, `autoload` FROM `wp_wfls_settings` WHERE `name` = 'enable-shortcode'

2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) Archives - Save gray wolf

2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

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